plain dealing
plain dealing为短语/超纲词汇
近义词, 同义词
plain dealing
honesty; straightforwardness 诚实; 直率.
1. Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again. 我们还未来得及担心后果,车已重新开上了平地。
2. The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from. 穿越平原的道路高低不平,开车走了不远,路面愈加崎岖。我们想劝说布鲁斯把车开回我们出发的那个村庄去。
3. The great plain was covered in scrub and small lifeless trees. 大平原上覆盖着灌木和矮小毫无生气的树。
4. The researcher invites the children, one by one, into a plain room and begins the gentle torture. 研究人员将孩子们一个一个地请进一间普普通通的房间,开始了小小的折磨。
5. Names become attached to specific images, as anyone who's been called "a plain Jane" or "just an average Joe" can show. 名字已成为特定形象的组成部分, 任何一个被称为"相貌平常的珍妮"或"普普通通的乔"的人都能证明这一点。
6. He is well known for fair dealing. 他以公平待人著名。
7. He learned a great deal from his experience of dealing with the soldiers´ wounds. 他从医治伤员的实践中获得了丰富的经验。
8. A confrontation situation is thereby set up, and Westerners are very skillful in dealing with this. 如此一来就形成了对峙的局面,而西方人十分善于应付对峙局面。
9. At first it was just plain surprising. 起初这对人们绝对是个震惊。
10. Giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes. 前面是一片平地,唯一的障碍只有一簇簇灌木丛。这使我们长长地松了口气。